Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The long and winding road of my vacation part 1

Suffice it to say that my vacation was varied, and covered way too many trips to the airport.  Oh but what fun to be able to see 3 countries in 13 days, before returning back to Vietnam.

The fun started in Singapore.  I love Singapore!  I really get all gushy about it.  Not only does it have amazing shopping, but with the ease of travel on the MRT and every possible food that you can imagine, it's my version of a grown up play ground.  Oh, and let's not forget that everything is squeaky clean.  Thank you very much armed security for the prevention of littering at $1000 SGD a toss!

Anyhow, here I was able to ring in the Chinese New Year with Jon, his mum and her BF.  We hopped on over to Universal Studios.  My first time ever going to one, and it was a lovely day of fun.

Are they looking for my honey?

Shrek's outhouse, comes with local Indian man free of charge.

The animals are out!
Jon shrugged

Then it was off to Hard Rock Cafe of course, though I'm sad we didn't go to Chili's.  Yep they had one.  The enchilada soup was calling me.  Perhaps I'll just have to make my own.  Boo!

Ok more later


  1. Fun pics, Linda! :) Didn't know they had Universal Studios over there! Love the background pic of the blog, by the way! Very stunning! :) Keep up the posts, love reading them! xoxo


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