Friday, April 1, 2011

My closet better watch it!

So, yesterday my darling Jon left the country and has begun his backpacking tour of Asia, starting with India.  I won't see him until we meet at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, on June 1st, rendezvous at McDonald's.  Glamorous for sure!

I've spent my entire day in bed, trying to get over this latest cold.  Again.  I've downloaded episodes of How I met your mother, season 6, watched a movie, made instant vanilla pudding and am now updating my blog after a 2 month hiatus.  Believe me, without Jon around, I'll be much more consistent.

I'm always pleased when I move.  The chance to downsize.  Discard unwanted crap and streamline.  I've moved so many times in my life, I hold very few possessions dear at all.  In fact, items that I may have moved once or twice before, are now tossed aside with flourish, as I refuse to move them again.  I acknowledge that it was a waste of energy to move these things in the first place.  Now they're gone!  Ruthless.

Two months in this guesthouse, and I will likely downsize my wardrobe by half.  It's my goal not to buy ANYTHING aside from food, toilet tissue, and the odd toiletry before leaving.  Then, I'll head home to America in June after my trip to Bali.  There I have a few boxes of items stored at my parents house.  It's my goal to also review those items and cull the fat again.  My possessions should be afraid.  Be VERY afraid!

1 comment:

  1. Sigh, well I did have to buy an electric kettle to boil water. But that's it! I better be.


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