Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Films I HAVE to recommend

First on the list is "Never Let Me Go".  Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightly.  Though Carey is the narrator, and basically steals the show.  It's breathtakingly beautiful and the story is one that just breaks your heart.  If you watch the trailer it's hard to get what really going on.  I'll give you one word, that I promise doesn't ruin any surprises and makes you empathize with the characters immediately.  Clones.

Highly recommend it, and I'll most likely watch it over and over!

Second of course is the King's Speech.  Colin Firth deserved the Oscar for this one, and it made me love him even more.

Next I'm going to check out Bradly Cooper in Limitless.  I've heard good things!

So if you like any of them let me know your thoughts.


  1. Oh my gosh! I also just watched "Never Let Me Go"! I felt like the plot was recycled, but it was pretty to watch and well-acted.

  2. Ya a bit like the Island in terms of the clones, but a complete 180 with everything else. Still, so fantastic. I like both films.


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