Friday, September 9, 2011

A little catch up

It's been ages since I've updated.  Just a little recap.

I spent my summer back home in America.  Most of the time was in Nevada with the folks and my sister Janette.  Then I got to have a little trip down to Arizona to see most of my friends and family.  It was wonderful and I felt like I got the recharge that was sorely needed.  Then fast forward through the summer, and here I am back in Vietnam.  Shocker!

I truly never thought I'd be here for this long.  Now I'm embarking on my third year, in a country that I thought I wouldn't last 9 months.  But after a while, I suppose it grew on me.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are still daily frustrations.  Well at least when I decide to step out of my front door.  At least once per week I have, as Jon has titled it, an "I hate Vietnam day".  On those days I hibernate inside my princess palace (the corner nook on the sofa where everything I need is within reach).  If I have to step outside my door, it's only to set the trash by the elevator for the maid or service person to take out for me.  Hey don't judge, it's what they've told us to do and we pay plenty of money to live in a serviced apartment building!!!  ...See, luxuries like these are the kinds of things about living in Vietnam that have grown on me. :-)

Oh speaking of, or well, writing of, we've moved back into our old apartment building.  We had every intention of finding something closer to the city center so we'd be closer to Jon's work and a bit more nightlife.  The problem was, that our apartment building is fantastic and nothing else we looked at could compare.  Not for the money and the convenience.  It's important to us to have things like, staff that speak English, and maids that do a great job and won't steal from you.  Or 24/7 security, and a gym.   Management that will actually register you with the government, so that when you need a police clearance or paperwork, you can actually get it.  They pay a foreigner tax to rent to us  of course that gets passed on to us.  But some landlords charge the foreigner the extra money and then just pocket it.  Leaving the foreigner in a tight spot when they go to leave the country after a year, and have no evidence of where they have lived.  The government will back charge you about $50 per month and won't let you leave until you pay it.  Then the landlord will conveniently pretend they have never met you.  It's your word against theirs.  The only thing you can do to prevent this is get a residence card, which you can't get unless you have a landlord that has registered you.  See the vicious circle?

So, additional bonus of going back to our old place.  We have our favorite supermarket nearby.  Yes, of course there are plenty of supermarkets in HCMC but there are only 3 Big C's.  The other 2 are in areas that we wouldn't live, and if you've ever had to shop at CO-OP mart, you would understand.  Shopping is a very frustrating thing in Vietnam.  The parking, the lines, and the general clusterf**ck that is a Vietnamese supermarket.  The have to stock shelves all day long.  I've never seen less than 200 shoppers at a given time and if you go at peak hours there are likely 500 - 700 in the store.  Everyone pushing and grabbing, with every line 10 people deep.  It's like the day before Thanksgiving but everyday.

Being at home this past summer, and going shopping was such a surreal experience.  First of all, the amount of selection was almost overwhelming.  I had gotten used to only having 1 maybe 2 items to choose from.  See, in Vietnam it's either the Vietnamese brands, Korean, Chinese or a randoms.  Like French or Australian.  Of these choices through trial and error we've figured out the ones that we like, can afford or simply can tolerate.  So shopping doesn't have much variety, except in the import shops, where Philly cream cheese is $6 for a rectangle.

Then I was suddenly home.  Home!  There were so many things to choose from.  After 2 years of making everything from scratch, it was laughable to see 20 different bottle of ranch.  Or things like seasoned cream cheese to add to your meal.  Um hello, don't we all have some mixed Italian herbs in the cupboard somewhere?  The problems were the prices.  One shopping trip:  2 bags $50!  $50 is a 10 day shop for me in Vietnam.  Seriously, about 10 days.  That's meat, produce, dry goods, drinks, dairy, and random extras.  Then Jon and I split that bill.  So being home, yes loved the choices, too bad I couldn't bear to part with that much money.

I thought I would come back here with a suitcase full of things that I would want for the next year.  Instead I bought clothes, delicates (impossible to replace over here),  skin care products, make up (cheaper in the States),  hot sauce and Necco wafers (my favorite candy).  I figured if I really needed more, I could get it here or make it from scratch.  And so far so good, it seems.

So one month down, only 11 more to go!  Seriously though, this is the last year!  After this perhaps Japan, or England or America.  We haven't got it planned that far, but that ok, life's about now, for now.

Love ya,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Adele and Ellie

I love live performances the most, and it's particularly great when the live performance is better than the album.  This song is amazing, and I think most people can think of someone in their past that it applies to.  Enjoy!

Ellie Goulding was the one performer that got to sing at the Royal Reception.  She's pretty cool and even though in this clip her voice seems a bit tired, it's a great performance and a kickass song!  Makes me want to move!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Films I HAVE to recommend

First on the list is "Never Let Me Go".  Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightly.  Though Carey is the narrator, and basically steals the show.  It's breathtakingly beautiful and the story is one that just breaks your heart.  If you watch the trailer it's hard to get what really going on.  I'll give you one word, that I promise doesn't ruin any surprises and makes you empathize with the characters immediately.  Clones.

Highly recommend it, and I'll most likely watch it over and over!

Second of course is the King's Speech.  Colin Firth deserved the Oscar for this one, and it made me love him even more.

Next I'm going to check out Bradly Cooper in Limitless.  I've heard good things!

So if you like any of them let me know your thoughts.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Go to sleep!

Well I might as well be blogging because I can't fall asleep.  This only happens to me about once per year.  But tonight is that night:  Insomnia Night

I'm actually listening to a Science Friday on NPR podcast about sleep, to see if it can help lull me to sleep.  Wow!
Perhaps it was the kit kat bar I had around 11pm.  Good God it's 4:30am!  I think the chocolate has worn off!

Hmm....maybe I've got too much technology going on.  TV, computer, downloading, podcasts, etc.  When Jon was still here (3 weeks ago) I would just bring a book to bed and be out within 20 mins.  But without him I'm much less focused and easy to distraction.  Such as late night munchies.  Anyhow, sigh, I just will be happy when we're back together in our routine.

Ok, starting to get drowsy.  Thanks NPR and the soothing voice of Joe Palca!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Throwing rocks

Today I had a lovely lunch and then watched a movie with my friend Nicole.  After the movie we were walking along stretching our legs.  I was heading home and Nicole was going to grab a xe om.

As we walked along Tan Son this kind of wigged out creepy guy was walking towards us.  Nicole and I parted so he could walk between us.  Well apparently he thought is was a great time to grab Nicole's ass.  She shrieked in shock, completely caught off guard, as this had never happened to her in Vietnam.  Honestly, it's really not a common behavior here.

He scurried away looking back towards us laughing at our expense, quite pleased with himself.

I, of course, reacted in my typical impulsive way, and picked up a rock and threw it at him.  My aim sucks, but it was worth the look of surprise on his face.  I then picked up two more rocks and threw those.  Still with shockingly poor aiming ability, but with a happy sense of satisfaction for me.

Nicole and I continued on our way.  When we hugged our goodbyes, Nicole said, "Thanks for throwing a rock."  I said, "3 rocks!"

Anytime, my friend, anytime!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Giant Mirror

I have a giant mirror in my room at my guesthouse of which is aptly named L'Amore.  The guesthouse, not the mirror.

Right.  Of course I'm here without Jon, so normally where a giant mirror is kind of fun in a room you rent, unfortunately, living with one is kind of torture.  The mirror is roughly 6ft long and 3 ft high.  It's hung low of course, because I live in Vietnam, aka Munchkinland, minus the awesome baby-like men with beards.  Their faces are mainly hairless here.  Anyhow, I can't see my head unless I'm sitting on the bed.  However, at all times I can see myself from the shoulders down.  Ya know sometimes, you REALLY don't want to do that!

Minor problems:
I freak myself out at night when I catch things out of the corner of my eye.  Is this room haunted or do I have floaters in my retinas?  Thank God I'm so nearsighted or I would wake up and just see my reflection in the giant mirror.  That would be a rude awakening!

Major problems: know when you're in the fitting room trying on clothes in bad lighting?  Well basically in my room it's like that ALL the time.  If I look too far to the left when I'm eating (while sitting in bed), I feel like I'm on Animal Planet.

Positives:  The obvious is the room looks bigger.  Duh.  Also, I know if there's any kind of lint on my booty.  Also, I can blue tack things to it, without worrying about damaging the wall paint.  Score.

Friday, April 1, 2011

My closet better watch it!

So, yesterday my darling Jon left the country and has begun his backpacking tour of Asia, starting with India.  I won't see him until we meet at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, on June 1st, rendezvous at McDonald's.  Glamorous for sure!

I've spent my entire day in bed, trying to get over this latest cold.  Again.  I've downloaded episodes of How I met your mother, season 6, watched a movie, made instant vanilla pudding and am now updating my blog after a 2 month hiatus.  Believe me, without Jon around, I'll be much more consistent.

I'm always pleased when I move.  The chance to downsize.  Discard unwanted crap and streamline.  I've moved so many times in my life, I hold very few possessions dear at all.  In fact, items that I may have moved once or twice before, are now tossed aside with flourish, as I refuse to move them again.  I acknowledge that it was a waste of energy to move these things in the first place.  Now they're gone!  Ruthless.

Two months in this guesthouse, and I will likely downsize my wardrobe by half.  It's my goal not to buy ANYTHING aside from food, toilet tissue, and the odd toiletry before leaving.  Then, I'll head home to America in June after my trip to Bali.  There I have a few boxes of items stored at my parents house.  It's my goal to also review those items and cull the fat again.  My possessions should be afraid.  Be VERY afraid!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The long and winding road of my vacation part 1

Suffice it to say that my vacation was varied, and covered way too many trips to the airport.  Oh but what fun to be able to see 3 countries in 13 days, before returning back to Vietnam.

The fun started in Singapore.  I love Singapore!  I really get all gushy about it.  Not only does it have amazing shopping, but with the ease of travel on the MRT and every possible food that you can imagine, it's my version of a grown up play ground.  Oh, and let's not forget that everything is squeaky clean.  Thank you very much armed security for the prevention of littering at $1000 SGD a toss!

Anyhow, here I was able to ring in the Chinese New Year with Jon, his mum and her BF.  We hopped on over to Universal Studios.  My first time ever going to one, and it was a lovely day of fun.

Are they looking for my honey?

Shrek's outhouse, comes with local Indian man free of charge.

The animals are out!
Jon shrugged

Then it was off to Hard Rock Cafe of course, though I'm sad we didn't go to Chili's.  Yep they had one.  The enchilada soup was calling me.  Perhaps I'll just have to make my own.  Boo!

Ok more later

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Too much Karaoke! Is there such a thing?

If you've ever met me then you know that I love, and I mean love karaoke.  I love to sing and pretend I'm on Broadway or American Idol, or kickin' it old school like on Star Search.  Anyhow, it makes for great fun especially here in Asia where you get a private room.  It's great especially if you're a ham like me!

January has been the month of karaoke.  We went for Jon/Rufus' combined birthday do's, then my corporate students from DHL wanted to do dinner and karaoke, and then for Rufus' leaving do...that's right another night of karaoke.  So I think I'm at the point where I've gotten most of the singing out of my system.  At least until after the Tet holidays.  

 mot, hai, ba, Dzo!!!!!!!!  (1 2 3 cheers!)

The rest of the group

 Singing our hearts out for Rufus' leaving do!

Me and Jon of course!  Duets baby!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ruthless or restless

I'm feeling the urge to make a massive sweep of the apartment and downsize.

Perhaps it's to psych myself up for my move in April when Jon goes back-packing.  I'll be moving into a guesthouse, and will plan on only taking the necessary items.   After two months, I'm meeting Jon in Bali, Indonesia and from there I currently have NO idea where I am heading next, but.. I am NOT,  I repeat, am NOT coming back to Vietnam.

After Tet, I'm going to mail home all of the wall hangings and various trinkets that I will have gathered from Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia.  Currently, I'm just keeping the apartment intact for when Jon's Mom visits, but afterwards I will dump everything.

Clothing, books, dishes, cutlery, hair bobs, cosmetics, papers, make up etc.

I think I get this from my dad.  Or perhaps the purging down to essentials just makes me feel lighter.  Less tied down to anything, and it appeals to my restless nature.  I don't want to spend much more time here in Vietnam, and so I think this is my way to mentally confirm to myself that I don't want to sign up for another year.  There are other options, and I only have one life to live, so my time is precious.  I won't waste time on places that I don't want to be and crap that I don't need weighing me down.

As I learned growing up from all of our moves, it's this:  If it doesn't fit it doesn't go.

I think this applies to all kinds of nouns.  People, places or things

Friday, January 14, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

With this job people come and go, it's the norm.  But when am I going to go?  I'm trying to figure out my next move.  Do I start all over again in another country, a new language, and figure out where all the comforts from home are again?  It's part of the adventure, right? I stay for another year in Vietnam? 

The Pros:

I have my boyfriend, friends, shops, I know some of the language, the job, not to mention the low cost of living.  Massages every week, eating out when ever I want.  I can drive easily, I have a residency card and there are still places over here that I want to see.  Will I ever come back to this region if I leave?

Not to mention, that I would get another signing bonus, and a pay raise, and honestly it's like the easiest job ever.  I have plenty of time to do anything I want.  Great school, great kids, great co-workers.

The cons:  Ugh the pollution.  It's so hard to walk places, and people are always staring, or wanting to sell you something, or practice English, or the sidewalks are broken and you could potentially break your ankle at any point.  Getting called fat or gestured to for how fat they think I am. I'm sick of the smallest people in the world calling me fat. about you all are tiny!  Tiny tiny tiny effing people!  

The shopping.  I can barely ever find something that is in my size and is halfway decent quality.  I can get stuff made, but unless I have something cute for them to copy, the designs are lame.  Plus, it costs about the same as something back home, without all the actual fun of shopping!  I want to find things, not settle for a boring copy.  Even the shoes are crap, and fall apart quickly.  My feet are constantly hurting from the lack of support.  I think I'm going to have to start wearing my sneakers everywhere.  Not cute.

At all times I am in fear for my life when driving my motorbike.  It's freaking dangerous and I feel like I am testing fate every time I hit those streets.  I want to walk, take a subway, or taxi and feel like I'm in a cosmopolitan city.  Perhaps I should be in one then, right?

Jon is dealing with the same stuff, except he has more options being from the U.K.  He's got to work around being with an American.  I hate the idea of holding him back, but I love that he wouldn't leave me behind.  Thanks babe!

thanks for reading.
A. Mame 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Danish cookies

You know those Danish butter cookies in the blue tin?  You get them for random events and they usually sit there a little pale against all the razzle dazzle of other cookies, like Milanos, or Pepperidge Farm, Oreos, etc.  But then one day you're starving and roaming around trying to find something with some crunch and sugar.  Ah ha!  I have those Danish butter cookies!

This was exactly the scenario at work on Saturday.  It was the last break of the day.  We'd all poured our heart and soul (ya) into 7 hours of teaching (not including the planning time which makes it 11 hours into our day), one more to go.  Just needed something, a little bit of carbs.  Then I remembered the new tin of cookies, left over from last week's end of course party for my little Jumpies (4-6 year olds).

I grab our flat bamboo stick that's lying around after Halloween.  I think it was someone's sword.  I digress!  I use it to whack down from the top shelf above the lockers, the bag of goodies.

Bag inventory: hard candies and a tin of danish butter cookies.  Cookies!  My eyes are glazed over from the empty tank in my tummy.  Everyone in the room has the same weary look, and they turn their heads towards me like a pack of lions, dazed during a drought.

I open the tin, and get the whiff of perfection by way of butter, sugar, and flour.  The pack dives in to feed!

Do you remember the taste?  Butter, rich and filling on your tongue.  Sugar, grainy and bold.  Simple...perfect.  I eat 10 cookies in 30 seconds flat.  Richard, tries to have just one, and then in his perfect politeness, lets me know that he must be bold, and be greedy, just this once.  I have found his weakness today.

The groups, gets their fill, not caring for a second about the calories.  This is fuel!  and comfort, and greedy pleasure, so don't judge me now!

I have taken the tin home, I'm writing this as I smell my coffee brewing.  Time for some sweet pleasures in life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rant #1

This is the first time I've ever lived in a true city in my adult life.  Sorry Phoenix, you and I both know that you're really just a bunch of suburbs all tied together with a massive freeway system.  I think I took for granted the pleasure of quiet.  Bugs chirping can get a little loud especially in the South, and in Phoenix there was always the low hum of the nearby 101 freeway.  I'm sorry, but living is Ho Chi Minh City is a huge level up in the noise factor.  Perhaps it's like this in places like NYC, but no, I've been there, it's not the same.  Flagstaff had the trains but eventually you tune those out, and they become part of the charming landscape.

Here's what you have in HCMC

First and forever foremost:  honking  It's at all times when people are driving.  All night especially, if you're close to the road.
They honk as a signal to say, "I'm here".  Sometimes so you don't get hit.
 But also to say, "I wanna go there!"
Or to say, "I'm passing you",
or to say, "Hey the light is changing in 2 seconds so start revving up!"
The best is when they are cutting across traffic, against the flow, in the middle of a giant 6 direction merging intersection...with 4 people in tow, a dog, and a refrigerator on the back.

Second:  The language - it's LOUD
Maybe I should have clued in from all the years listening to my mother rant and rave in Vietnamese, or simply how loud she sneezes, but seriously!  These people are loud!  Vietnamese is not a soft, melodic, soothing, gentle language.  It bold, sharp, tonal (obviously), rapid, and aggressive.

"If you want to be understood in Vietnamese, speak like you're angry."  I was told by Eric, the 23 year old American, that had been in HCMC for 2 years.  He was bitter, and harsh, criticizing the people without and ounce of sympathy.  At the time I thought, geez dude, if you hate it so much just leave.  He was about to, just needed to finish out his contract.  He had seen and experienced enough and didn't want to absorb any more of the culture, for fear he'd lose his last bit of civility.

Fast forward 1 and a half years, and here I am.  Quite cynical and jaded and completely over Vietnam.  I heeded some of his and many other peoples advice, making a personal retreat out of my home.  A place to go to where I can shut out most of the unfamiliar and recharge with comforts from home.  Anything for the food, to the music, podcasts, hair products and of course, Facebook.

Now I realize that many may criticize me and say, "Gee, I thought you wanted to get the EXPERIENCE of world travel and explore other cultures."  blah blah and more self righteous crap.

Um..actually no, I was unemployed, depressed, fat, and restless.  I wanted to make a drastic change, and run from my problems.  Duh!  True, I've always wanted to travel, but I typically imagined that, as an affluent woman with my husband, while we stayed in cute boutique hotels, walking hand in hand to gorgeous European museums and cafe's.

Let me make this clear:  I am NOT a backpacker!  I may have a back pack, but I travel with a suitcase, with 3 outfit changes for everyday, a blow dryer, curling and flat irons, and way too many shoes.  I currently have too many possessions in my apartment and will need to sell/give away at least half of it before I can board a plane to leave this country.

Anyhow, counting down the days till I leave.  First flight out, I'm headed to Bali, Indonesia.  Ha!


Headed out the Angkor Wat, on a perfect evening in Siem Reap Cambodia.  It was wonderful to get out of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a few days and enjoy some seriously old temples.  Siem Reap is charming, quiet and a wonderful experience for anyone that's wanting to explore Southeast Asia.  The people are lovely, and a surprising amount speak really clear English.  The food is fresh and delightful.  Plus, for a country that has had such a sad and dark history, it's nice to see an opportunity to share in their culture and contribute financially to their economic growth.

Okay now back to the fun stuff!

For Jon and I this was our first vacation away together.  We'd both taken trips on our own and originally I was planning to go to Cambodia alone, but Jon couldn't resist and decided to come with me.  I was ecstatic and we had a lovely time.

  Us in the tuk tuk on our way!

 The steps were that steep, seriously!
The jungle is still trying to take back the land.  One day it just might do it.

 Yes, of course we did sunrise at Angkor Wat, it's an absolute must.

I have so many more pictures of this amazing trip.  Sorry I can't post them all.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Khmer Dr. Fish

In Siem Reap Cambodia, Jon and I stopped off after dinner for a fish pedicure.  We basically squealed like little girls, as it tickled like crazy!  But seriously, my feet felt amazing for the next two weeks.  Normally my feel get all dry because I'm usually wearing sandals or going barefoot.  I wish they had them here in HCMC.

Bring on 2011!

New Year's Eve 2010.  Having a delicious meal at Al Fresco's (an Australian owned restaurant in HCMC) turned out to be perfect.  It's one of those places where, get this, they actually understand Western standards of customer service.  Oh, sure the bathrooms were disgusting and one of our party didn't get served for about 45 mins, still overall, it was pleasant.

I must say after 1 year, 5 months and whatever days, my low expectations of Vietnamese customer service is easily exceeded.

Anyhow, after dinner we unsuccessfully tried to make it to a party via taxi.  We sat for about 15 minutes , only making it one street over, and decided to head back to where we were, to ring in the New Year's at Vasco's.  Unfortunately, Jon (my BF whom I will speak of repeatedly) REALLY wanted to attend the party where a lot of his friends were.  So, being the kind, modest, magnanimous woman that I am, I said goodbye to my friends, kissed them HNY (Happy New Year's) and we hurried outside to catch motorbike taxis.

We told the drivers that we would pay them extra if they got us there quick, and then held on tight.  As anyone knows, a xe om (motorbike taxi) driver is usually a little bit crazy, but will get you there as fast as they can.  This means, death defying weaves through crowds of other motorbikes, bicycles, pedestrians, trucks, cyclos, food cart vendors, other cars and taxis.  I just held on, and chilled.  After all, I've lived here for a year and a half, so whateves...

Jon was thrilled of course that we were heading to the party, and was taking pictures of the crowds, grinning broadly at me, and over all being that chipper guy that just got his way.  I really wasn't bothered, as I was happy to see his friends, and all I really wanted was to spend HNY with my honey.  Of course I didn't let him know that, and proceeded to make it seem like I had made a HUGE sacrifice for his happiness and would use this to my advantage at a later date.  Duh!

We made it to the party!  Rang in the New Year, and then got in a taxi to head home.  The driver was clearly on drugs and wanted us to pay double the rate because there were still large crowds and traffic jams to get through.  By this point I had a massive headache and didn't care.  Jon thought he only wanted 20% more and by the time we got to our destination it was already too late.  Not a good end to the night. We just paid him, because seriously the guy was on DRUGS and went home.  All in all it was a good night, but I was ready to put 2010 behind me.  Onward with 2011!

Here I go!

"Everyone else is blogging so why not you?"
Sure and if everyone jumped off a bridge?  Well, I'd probably do that too.
Living overseas from home has it's ups and downs.  One of the downs is feeling disconnected from my friends and family.  Typically, I'd keep on using things like Facebook and e-mail to keep in touch.  But sometimes, I can't get on FB, thank you VN Gov't.  Other times it's simply that I'm caught up in my personal world and forget to extend the lifeline.  So, the solution?  Why a blog of course.  Perhaps even Daddy will check it out!  *hint  Umm...Dad seriously, that means YOU!  Please keep checking on the blog from time to time.

Love you!